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Antibiotics Side Effects

Antibiotics Side Effects

The buildup of antibiotics in environment and overuse in medical treatment has lead to a number of problems, including the development of a new class of super bacteria that are resistant to virtually all the available antibiotics known to man.
In the United States, nearly 90,000 people die from hospital-acquired infections every year. Seventy percent of the bacteria responsible for these infections are resistant to at least one of the antibiotics typically used to treat them.
Another pernicious side effect of antibiotic overuse is the negative change that these agents cause in the immune system. The use of antibiotics directly suppresses immune functioning and can sometimes make it nearly impossible for the body to eradicate acute infections and develop long-term immunity to many common illnesses. This is a direct result of the actions of antibiotics on the immune system.

Ultimately, this creates more illness, suffering, complications, and interventions that could have been avoided if proper management of the initial condition had been given. Simply left alone or treated with safer and more natural methods, these conditions would in most cases have resolved quickly and permanently.
A third important side effect of antibiotic agents occurs when they cause damage, either to the microbial flora of the body or to the vital organs, including the lungs, kidneys, bone marrow, and liver. FDA also warned about doctors about dangers of antibiotics type Fluoroquinolones that can cause damaged ligament, tendons, muscles, nerves and whole nervous system, requiring multiple operations. It can even cause severe hypoglycemia, coma and death!

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When the native bacterial defenses are disrupted by antibiotic exposure, the risk of opportunistic bacterial, fungal, and viral infections dramatically increases. The resulting imbalance, known as dysbiosis, predisposes to many different syndromes, depending upon which anatomical sites are most impacted. Antibiotic-triggered dysbiotic illnesses include candidiasis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, and allergies.
Most of this health problems difficult to diagnose and doctors even don’t know how to treat them without use of antibiotics again. When sick person use another drugs to treat this problems his condition get even worse instead of improvement. Most of doctors don’t have education in regard of subclinical conditions that could be diagnosed only with alternative tests, special examinations or questionnaires.

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