Heart Heath Support with integrative medicine and Ayurveda

Cholesterol Debate

Briefly about the content of the article “Cholesterol Debate” in Life Extension magazine.

Cardiovascular diseases pose the greatest threat to our health and longevity. Arterial/vascular diseases not only cause heart attacks and ischemic strokes, but also contribute to many other diseases:

  • Several types of dementia 8-10
  • Diseases of peripheral arteries 11-13
  • Heart failure 13-15
  • Arterial hypertension 20
  • Calcification/stenosis of the aorta 21
  • And others

Current recommendations on LDL cholesterol content suggest that LDL levels in the blood should be below 100 mg/dl in healthy people and below 70 mg/dl in people with high coronary risk.

During 26.5 years of follow-up, even the baseline LDL level below 100 mg/dl led to a constant increase in the risk of mortality from coronary heart disease. (This suggests the importance of reducing LDL levels compared to current standards.)

The LDL level, which does not have an increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, is approximately 38 mg/dl. These lower LDL levels are difficult to achieve in modern society and may not be necessary for people who are not at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

Statin drugs have been under attack from alternative medicine for decades due to their numerous side effects. However, the risk of side effects with moderate doses of statins may be negligible compared to fatal exposure to elevated LDL and related lipids such as apolipoprotein B (apoB).

Life Extension ® magazine published an article in 2003 showing that taking statins in moderate doses every other day (10 mg/atorvastatin) provides significant benefits with zero side effects. And for some, a moderate dose of statins taken every other day can lower LDL levels to the ideal range.

However, there are many herbal and non-herbal cholesterol-lowering drugs, not to mention a diet low in animal fats. One of the plant extracts that has demonstrated the effect of lowering LDL levels is the Ayurvedic Amla berry or Amalaki. There is a separate article about her in the magazine.

Amla’s latest human study showed a 21.8% decrease in LDL levels. In addition to lowering LDL levels, this plant extract has been shown to lower total cholesterol, triglycerides, and C-reactive protein* while increasing beneficial HDL levels.

The most effective dose of Amla is 500 mg 2 times a day. We recommend taking it as part of Triphala, where it is balanced with other berries for detoxification of the gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision, and skin. Triphala can be taken before bedtime for the best effect, but it must be borne in mind that the berries contain a large number of oxalate stones. If you have an intolerance to oxalates, then you can take it with a high dose of magnesium before meals or use other supplements without oxalates. For example, it is known that vitamin E in the form of tocotrienol (unlike the usual form of tocopherol) can quickly lower cholesterol.

So go to the doctor and check your cholesterol level, as well as whether you have other risk factors for CV diseases and make a decision to protect your health from these dangerous problems that have flooded modern society. You can order cholesterol tests yourself online. We can send you such tests as well as others that we haven’t talked about here.

Cholesterol is not the only factor in the development of CV diseases. Autoimmune diseases vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels), rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and others can lead to stroke. They can also be checked by themselves with the help of tests and some symptoms. Vascular damage can be prevented in natural ways and without risk to the mitochondria, which suffers from antibiotics (especially Fluoroquinolones), antifungal drugs, statins, and other drugs for treatment. Mitochondrial damage leads to numerous problems, including CV and autoimmune diseases.


For many years medicine has been dominated by the theory that arteriosclerosis is only a consequence of high levels of so-called bad cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol, which removes bad cholesterol from blood vessels, However, the realities of life show that this is not always and most often not the case. In integrative medicine, the prevailing point of view is that arteriosclerosis is an autoimmune disease in response to the adverse effects of toxins, infections, stress, and malnutrition.

Often, the initial reaction to inflammation causes the body to respond to protect the arteries – calcium and fibrin are urgently sent there, which closes wounds and later cholesterol can join them, forming blood clots and blockages. So first you need to figure out the causes of inflammation and eliminate them and not lower cholesterol at any cost. As you know cholesterol is the source of all hormones and with its shortage, other problems will have to be solved.

If there is an autoimmune process, then first of all it is necessary to reduce the number of antibodies by eliminating toxins or infection and an autoimmune diet and lifestyle. We have often written about this and you can find information in groups.

There are supplements that not only lower cholesterol, but also reduce the level of blockage formation as well as the number of CV diseases, which has been confirmed by research for many years.

  • Preparation of garlic Kyolic Liquid Aged Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Iodine (or Iodoniacin)
  • Bromelain cures him and even helps a stroke
  • Licorice
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Arginine or circulene
  • Sesame seeds
  • Increased magnesium levels
  • Vitamin D, E and C and other antioxidants
  • Improving the circulation of the lymphatic system
  • Exercises
  • Polyphenols including powerful Ayurveda supplements
  • Olive oil 500 mg
  • Diosmin and hesperidin
  • Cleansing the liver
  • Decrease in estrogen levels if it dominates
  • Alternative Therapies
  • Genetic influence – the CAD gene
  • Chelation of toxins and blockages including calcium and cholesterol using EDTA

It turned out that a reaction often occurs to an infection such as chlamydia and LPS (Lipopolysaccharide species). Their presence can be checked and measures can be taken to eliminate them, preferably by natural methods too.

The best test for the presence of high calcium in blood vessels is the Calcium/ION test or scan – less radiation than when scanning for arteriosclerosis with dangerous contrast material and high levels of radiation that will damage the mitochondria of heart cells.

Finally and again – reduce the consumption of white bread and other foods devoid of nutrients. Numerous studies show that refined foods increase the level of CV diseases by 47%. Think before eating donuts again.

Heart Attack

Clubbed nails occur when your fingertips bulge and the nails curve down and get shiny. The condition is usually one you are born with, but you may have other health issues as well such as heart disease or lung disease. It’s unclear what causes clubbed nails, but it happens when there are certain substances in your blood such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Your body produces more VEGF when it can’t get enough oxygen.

Clubbed fingers are a symptom of disease, often of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen. Diseases which cause malabsorption, such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease can also cause clubbing.

It could be a sign of a coming heart attack according to integrative doctor Dr. Schellenberger. Prevention of attacks includes green tea, folic acid, magnesium, vitamins C and B, Gingko biloba, SAME, resveratrol, and CoQ10. The last one is especially important if you take medications for blood pressure that reduce CoQ10. Of course, if you have signs of heart attacks, you need to see a doctor as soon as you can. Some doctors recommend using tinctures of motherwort plants (a natural Beta-blocker) and hawthorn (blood pressure reduction and heart protection) as well as tincture of valerian (heart rhythm regulator) and Phyto-Valocardin as a heart tonic with palpitations and pain.

In the case of high risk, a doctor can prescribe medication beta-blocker at least temporarily. It can protect the heart from excitatory hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and aldosterone and prevent heart attacks.

Heart Failure

Although medicine rarely cures such a disease, it has long been known that commercially available supplements can prevent and treat it. These are coenzyme CoQ-10 and selenium and they also help with high blood pressure which can also lead to heart failure. They help each other and the mitochondrial cells to produce energy without which the heart cannot pump blood to the organs.

Studies recommend 100 mg of CoQ10 coenzyme 3 times a day and selenium up to 200 mg although the usual norm is 55 mg. CoQ10 is usually marketed as Ubiquinone but a more effective form is Ubiquinol. Selenium helps to turn one thing into another. The other form is also sold as a patent medicine in Japan, but in the USA it is sold as a supplement and even inexpensively. Other supplements are vitamins B, especially B6, as well as C, D, creatine, taurine, magnesium, beetroot, and possibly fish oil and potassium. However, potassium must be balanced with salt and tested from time to time with blood and hair mineral tests.

This information is from doctors of the Institute of Functional Medicine. They also wrote that statin medication for cholesterol reduces coenzyme CoQ-10 by 40%. This is another reason for not using them. They treat the heart and at the same time cripple it. Other causes of heart failure are toxins and infections and lack of movement. Often infection and toxins cause autoimmune cardiomyopathy that requires a lot of healing for the immune system not only for the heart itself. And as many autoimmune conditions it requires a complex approach with conventional and integrative medicine. Ayurveda, nutrition, and naturopathy will be extremely valuable for healing including red and near-infrared light therapy and other modalities.

Ayurveda and TM Meditation

Robert Schneider, MD wrote the book “Total Heart Health” about how to prevent and reverse heart disease with Maharishi Vedic Approach to health. It is a new approach that modern medicine is missing: connection of mind and body and how to heal the heart through mind (Transcendental Meditation) and body approach (diet, procedures, lifestyle, and exercise). The American Heart Association recommended TM meditation as the only meditation that can help with hypertension, stress, and coronary heart disease. You can use this book as guidance to prevent any health problems. See his book on Amazon, please.


Or you can consult us as Maharishi Ayurveda consultants to have your own personalized program for health based on fundamental principles of Ayurveda and with recommendations about modern nutrition and naturopathy if you want. It will be tailored to your type of mind and body to create perfect health.

There are 8 tomes with collected papers on TM meditation including those that are related to cardiovascular health. We counted 95 research on this topic, please, check them out.


#Cholesterol Debate #Heart failure #Calcification/stenosis of the aorta #Arteriosclerosis #Heart Attack #Ayurveda and TM Meditation #Heart Health naturally #Amla for Heart



Disclaimer: The information in the article should not be considered medical advice. The information is educational and does not meant to treat, diagnose, prescribe or cure any ailment. Always check with your physician before taking any products or following any advice you have read.