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Individual Consulting

Individual consultation in person or online

We provide all types of services: in person or over the phone or online consultations and coaching.

Individual consulting and coaching package is available for different health and wellness needs and can be individualized more.

THE FIRST TYPE – Individual Consulting without coaching.

  • We will send information about appointment time.

  • The time of consult is about 1 – 1.5 hours.

send us message about concerns [email protected]

THE SECOND TYPE – Consulting Service with Coaching Program.

It is for those who would like to have personal consultation about all topics you would like to consult with us we have the most advanced coaching program. We will do comprehensive research about your health and wellness concerns, establish complex lifestyle and nutritional program for you and will help to implement it in your life.

This personalized health, wellness and fitness coaching program costs only $298 at this time only! It is comprehensive program with individualized recommendations for your type of physiology only as in Ayurveda different types of mind and body require different approach. The most difficult part of coaching is implementation and establishment of better habits and routine. We will help you to do that and totally transform your life! We will follow up with you for 3 years with no additional payment. And you can call and write us at any time not only when we schedule appointments.

Your individual coaching will include;

    • – Membership in coaching groups
    • – Naturopathic consultation for your health and wellness program.
    • – Ayurveda assessment (identification of you type of physiology and recommendation for lifestyle and food choices for your type)
    • – Nutrition assessment (identification of deficiencies of nutrients you may need to improve your health and wellness)
    • – Life coaching session ( 1 free session that you can continue if you like it)
    • – Phycology session – ( 1 free session that you can continue if you like it)
    • – Yoga training course suited for your type of body and health concerns.

Remember all fees have money back guarantees. We give you full guarantee if in 2 weeks after beginning of coaching you do not feel satisfaction we will refund your money back

Please, contact us after payment at [email protected] and send your contacts.
Start changing your life, sign up now!

Individual consulting without coaching $150

Individual consulting with coaching $298